Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How I found lost Trehern awesomely

Since I have an awesome blog I will write about finding Trehern by telling a story. Here it goes...

right now...(this blog is copy right jackie chan (C))

First, I toiled through the multiverse, understanding every clue and staying hot on his trail and managing to rescue him from a fairly frightening cave troll aka Branzams mom. Yes I said it now go get myself a bagel to retrieve for me. But our adventures didn't end there...

Trehern and I climbed from the Mines of Moria dirty and worn, but traveled on, ever seeking a way back home. For eight days we marched across the terrain of Middle Earth, tripping hobbits and collecting candy rings of power, kun fu ing ninjas , only to find our journey was blocked by the Western Sea. LOL who put that there?. I stopped for oriental mix. After I Jackie Chan seduced the fair Arwen into giving us a lift across the vast ocean by moterboating her, we landed in Valinor although I thought it was Canada, and discovered a deep cave which we followed for three and a half days. I stopped for oriental mix thrice. When Trehern not Jackie Chan I aint skared of nothing, had almost lost hope within its dark catacombs, a light broke through the walls...

It was so bright, neither of us could see past the crawlspace. Finding new strength, we grabbed hands, in the most manly way possible, and jumped towards the light. I naturally did a flip. We found ourselves on the soft sands of Arizona, only half a mile from Cove Springs. <-We had a ruler. We had found some sort of multiversal doorway, one from which we can never find again. But you can see my continued exploits some other time.

Thank you World,



Trehern said...

I can't wait to do it again!

(That's what she said!)

Ben Pearson said...

An absolutely stunning yarn, a tale of glory and power, and something that should be read to children the world over for generations. Brilliance.

Mikey said...

anytime you can work the phrase "motorboating" into anything, I consider it to be a good time had by all.

Good stuff.